Hey guys and welcome to our new video. We are the free kickers
and of course, we are huge fans of CR7! That's why we did a tutorial for you.
We have chosen 5 signature moves, we believe are his best. In this tutorial we
will teach you the technique. Let's go!
First trick is the infamous elastic, which is Cristiano is known for. This one
is not an easy one!
The trick is done in one quick movement. With the outer
part of your foot bring the ball outside......
and then bring the ball back with the inside of your foot again to change
direction. Start practicing slowly and
without any defenders in the way. And then: repeat, repeat, and repeat!
When doing the CR7 chop, pull the ball with your sole from the outside to the
inside and do the chop with your other foot.
When you move the ball away far enough from the defender, you can almost finish
your attack in one go.
Try to stay close
to the ball and proceed with the chop quickly, so you can separate your
opponent from you and the ball. The 3rd
one is a difficult one......which is why I
personally don't use it very often in games.
But once you have mastered this trick, it is very effective!
Especially when you are trapped in the corner.
Pull back the ball behind your
supporting leg...... make a 180 turn and
in that same moment you pass it alongside the defender.
You have to be really quick with the turn and it takes some time to practice,
but it will definitely confuse your opponent and you will pass him easily.
The step over 180: IMHO the most difficult of his tricks.
You dribble towards the defender, do a step over with your strong foot and
whilst you do that, you kick the ball back with your other foot to change
This is a superb skill to
finish off the defender. But as with the other tricks, it takes a very long time
to practice until you reach perfection.
get it on with the last one. Most importing thing: get your step overs and
fakes right! Create a combination that you are comfortable with in games.
Once you have managed this, the defender will not be able to anticipate whether
you go left or right. This trick will
really confuse the defense and if you are quick enough, best case is you go 1
vs 1 against the goalkeeper!
These are
Cristiano's top 5 skills from our point of view.
Whose tricks do you want to learn - let us know in the comments below and we
might be able to hit you up with another skill tutorial soon!
As always: stay sporty and until next time!
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